Starting a new thing is always a challenging job in the field of life. Especially for workouts, it’s more difficult because you have to consume a lot of energy at the start and in response, you will get a lot of pain. Not only pain your stomach will get upset but your routine will also get disturbed, your sleep will be disturbed and many more things which you have to face before coming into the routine workout. But to start the workout by planning is always helpful for you. It makes things easy for you and keeps you motivated for more and more. Rehan Riaz Merchant brings advice for you, which makes workouts easy for you. Going to the gym without planning and goal is always purposeless and not long-lasting. So here Rehan Riaz Merchant brings 10 tips for beginners who wish to start the workout with motivation and want to achieve something.
1 – Set Realistic goals for yourself:
It is always important to achieve something by planning and good planning requires setting your goal. The goals which are achievable and realistic, are ones that you can achieve. Even people can achieve goals that look over-ambitious on a certain stage but splitting them into short goals makes their target easy. It is advised for you please do plan goals in the steps so it’s easy for you to achieve them on time and you keep yourself motivated and committed to your commitments. This is the baseline for you, once you did this you will never get fail to achieve your target on time.
2 – Be Consistent and Honest in your workout
Consistency and honesty to your goal are something that keeps you motivated to achieve your ultimate target. So it is stick advice for you to stick to your schedule and keep the focus on the routine and try to avoid stops. Rehan Riaz Merchant considers stopping plan is cheating and dishonesty to your set goals and once you compromise your goal you cannot achieve your target on time or even close to it.
3 – Stick to your set goals (Too Much Too Soon)
Once you set your goal it is your responsibility and commitment to stick to them and do not try to achieve too much in a short period. Increase exercise as per your set standard because more than 70% of people feel easy to start but an untimely increase in exercise becomes a burden over time. So be stick to your goal and do exercise as per your routine and increase it with a set schedule. It will keep you motivated and will hurt your body.
4- Agree to take the feeling of discomfort
As I told you in the starter that starting an exercise is not an easy thing for beginners but to keep yourself motivated you need to accept the feeling of discomfort. Once you start exercising you will get the feeling of discomfort because of some breathing issues, over sweating while doing exercise and muscular pains do happen. So it is advisable for you to be ready for it and do not worry about it, it’s pretty normal for almost 100% of people at the start.
5 – Make a buddy or Training with Friend
To achieve something you need some people and for work out or exercise you need to find a buddy or start training with your friend. This is one of the best ways to keep motivated to your workout. It helps you to keep your focus towards your sessions and you both keep each other on your toes for your set targets. Your friend is also keeping you involved in the business and it’s always lesser chances of missing any workout. Also doing things with a friend is something that keeps you motivated and committed to your goal.
6 – Warm-Up before a workout
As a beginner, you must keep this thing in your mind that not warming up before a workout is a big mistake and may increase the risk of injury. Before starting a workout session make it your routine and do warm up yourself. Especially focus on the areas which you are going to use in the upcoming exercises. Failure to warm up appropriately may increase the chance of serious injury or pain in muscles later in the day or night.
7 – Workout Time
Everybody has their own choice to do a workout base on his/her availability as some people awake early and on the other hand, some go to bed late. Some do prefer doing exercise in the early morning and some wanted to do it in the evenings but what matters best. I advise you to do a workout in time of the day when you feel that you have the most energy.
8 – Keep Focus and use your Will Power
We know that it’s not an easy go for beginners but never give up. You do feel looser sometimes but you need to stick to your promises and the commitment you made with yourself by setting up goals. There are stages in the start when you feel like giving up but you need to use your willpower and re-motivate yourself.
9 – Drink water as much as you can
Drinking plenty of water itself is an exercise and it’s very healthy for the human body. You have to drink plenty of water, before, during, and after the exercise. Especially when you are doing exercise for a longer time of period or doing a workout in warm conditions. Do not drink sufficient water will cause Dehydration and that will definitely cost your performance and even cost your health as dehydration is dangerous. It is advised for beginners not to use sports drinks because they carry extra calories which require more workouts.
10 – Keep Changing the Exercises
You need to keep changing the workout, exercises, and activities and try to do new things at regular intervals, it keeps you fresh and gives you a feeling of satisfaction by achieving. By changing exercises your body gets new challenges and it keeps you motivated.